Scheduled Reports

You can schedule a report by specifying certain information. Scheduling is performed to generate reports at continuous intervals. By clicking the “Schedules” button, you can navigate to the schedule management window. This window contains all the schedules along with the below details.

  • Report Type: The type of report for which a schedule should be scheduled.
  • Schedule: schedule details such as time & frequency.
  • Expiry: Expiry date for schedule.
  • Description: Description of schedule.
  • Status: It indicates the status of the schedule, such as active or expired.
Figure 57: Schedules Window

Adding a Schedule

Figure 58: Add Schedule Window

To add a schedule, the user has to fill up the following details, which are listed below:

Report Details

In the report details, the user has to fill in the following details mentioned below:

  • Report Name: The user has to provide the name of the report.
  • Report Type: The user has to select the type of the report which they want to use. (for example, Excel/Custom/Alert Digest Report). By default, it is EXCEL.
  • Template: The user has to select the report template from the drop-down list. User can also choose their own template by clicking on the Upload To delete the selected template, user needs to click on the Delete  icon.
  • Preset: It is the time period for which the report needs to be generated. For example: Last 15 minutes, Last 8 hours and so on. The date and time are filled automatically. If you select the Custom option, then specify the Start date/time and End date/time.

Note: If a user wants to select a preset from the template, they can select the Override Preset from Template checkbox.         

  • In the View by option, specify the format of aggregated data (such as hours, minutes, seconds) based on the selection of the Preset option. For example, if you select ‘Last 15 minutes’ in the preset option, then the ‘View by’ option displays ‘Seconds’ and ‘Minutes’ only. If you select ‘Last 4 hours’ in the preset option, then ‘View by’ displays ‘Seconds’, ‘Minutes’ and ‘Hours’.
  • To aggregate the entire report in a single column, select the Aggregate over the entire Report Time Period check box. For example, if you want to capture the data of the last one week and select this check box, then the aggregated data is displayed in a single column.
  • If Show Last week’s data day-wise option is selected and you need graph data for two weeks aggregated by week-wise, then 8 value columns are created, one for a complete week data and the rest seven for other week data day-wise.
  • A user can also set the aggregate by and show report options, by providing the values in Aggregate by field and Show Report in option.

Note: A user can show the report either in Tab format or Column format.

  • Task Description: In this field, the user can provide a description of the task to be performed.


You can schedule reports in the following modes.

  • Hourly: For Report generation on hourly mode, follow the below mentioned steps.
    1. Specify the report generation frequency in hours. For example – 4 hours, 8 hours, and so on. Also enter the starting offset.


  1. Specify the time for the report generation.
  2. Enter task description.
  • Weekly:  For Report generation in weekly mode, follow the below mentioned steps.
    • Select the day of the week on which the report is to be generated.
    • Specify the frequency in “Every” text box.
  • Monthly:  For Report generation in monthly mode, follow the below mentioned steps.
    • Specify a day of every month, along with the Start Time on which reports need to be generated. The user has also needs to specify the Expires on time.
  • Minutes: For Report generation in every minutes, follow the below mentioned steps.
    • Specify the minute, along with the Expires on time on which the report will get expired.

Mailing Info

You can enter mailing info for report schedule. To enter the mailing information, user has to fill up the following fields:

  • To: In this field, the user has to enter the recipients mail address.
  • Subject: In this field, the user has to enter the subject for the mail.
  • Body: In this field, the user has to enter the description for the mail.
  • Hints: Following hints are also available:
  • Report Name: Enter the report name in $reportname format.
  • Start date: Enter the start date in $sddate format.
  • End date: End date should be in $eddat format.
  • Generation date time: Format should be $genDatetime.

Note: The user can select the Body based on the parameters given. Once the user has filled up all the details, they have to click on the Save  button to add the schedule.